Only available in Dutch : Online E-learning Patronen Doorbreken 4 weken
Wij leven elke dag in onze dagelijkse patronen. Deze bestaan uit bewuste en onbewuste leefstijl ritmes en is waarneembaar in ons gedrag. Hoe tof is het om je bewust te worden van je eigen patronen en deze te leren begrijpen? Dat is de eerste stap van herkenning en erkenning om je leven anders vorm te gaan geven. Als je namelijk altijd blijft doen wat je doet, veranderd er helemaal niks in je leven en kom je ook niet waar je wilt zijn.
Deze 4 weken nemen je mee op een verdiepende reis met waardevolle oefeningen, vragen, introspectie om jezelf eens flink onder de loep te nemen. Na 4 weken tijd ben jij een stuk gezonder, bewuster, liefdevoller, fitter, meer zelfverzekerd en leef je veel meer in balans.
Met de app kun je naast je laptop ook dagelijks het programma gebruiken. De licentie is 3 maanden online beschikbaar, om integratiewerk toe te passen.
Kosten: € 111,- inclusief BTW
Wil je thuis aan de slag om je patronen te doorbreken?
Holistic Health course day for companies
Holistic Health is a wonderful course day where you learn ultimate collaboration with your workplace as a team. A connected group of people starts with a holistic view of all energy levels. You can only go to work well and deliver motivated work if you are well in all of your energy levels.
Consciously and sustainably, you will receive theoretical and practical training as a group. A fantastic experience where team building occurs and all employees are allowed to deepen and receive personal development. The coaching skills and handling of case histories make for a day of recognition, acknowledgement and fun. From this place, space is freed up for new insights, connection, recognition, satisfaction, cooperation and of course, as a result; sustainable employability in the workplace.
Request a quote for this customised course day. The UMC is a very satisfied client, where nurses received a wonderful appreciation with the Holistic Health training from Nicole Coaching.
Investment: price on request and exclusive VAT
Do you want Holistic Health in the workplace?
Mindful kickboxing (half -day)
This interactive physical workshop will give you new and positive energy! A great tool to connect with in group work. Kickboxing is a contact sport where you learn to tune in with your partner on various layers. Intrinsically, you are activated to stand up for yourself more and become physically and mentally stronger in this. Where my Martial Art background as a fighter and working in the health care system als a defensibility trainer are very powerful to uplift you as a group with dynamic and inter-active exercises.
Emotionally, Pep&Punch allows you to discharge and feel through which emotion needs some space. The expression comes out beautifully in the kickboxing itself. The combinations and kickboxing sessions focus on cooperation, resilience, assertiveness, discharging and recharging positive energy. Wonderful to experience with a group together.
Investment: price on request and exclusive VAT
Want the Pep&Punch workshop in the workplace?
Business constellation (all day)
A business constellation is more than the position displayed of yourself and your colleagues. The systems from the company show recognisably and insightfully in the field what the role distribution is of everyone connected to the company. This constellation is incredibly valuable and gives all participants, both active and participating, the opportunity to actually 'stand in their own place' in the field from their own strength and balance. This full day training is transformative and connecting for both the employee and the whole company.
Investment: price on request and exclusive VAT
Would you like the training day of constellation work for companies in your workplace?